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Pro Photography WA AGM poster


Our annual AGM is on 24th September, and what better way to come and support PPWA, have free food and a drink, AND see a presentation by our very own super-talented and well-known creative, Johannes Reinhart.

ALL FOR FREE, but please book a ticket so we have numbers for catering.


All members should have received an email with the Notice of AGM, proxy form, financials, on 2023 AGM minutes. If you did not receive this email, please contact

For the AGM to proceed we need to have a quorum of voting members in attendance, so the committee would appreciate it if as many members who are available will attend and support the Association. Don't worry, all committee positions have nominees, so you won't be approached to join the committee.

Non-members are also welcome to come along, have some food, and listen to Johannes but they will not be able to attend the AGM. During the AGM, non-members are free to socialize in the bar area next to the AGM room.

Event schedule

  • 5:45pm Complimentary welcome drink
  • 6pm Complimentary food
  • 6:30pm AGM
  • 7:15 to 8:15pm Presentation by Johannes Reinhart  "My story in Pictures".

See you there!

The Shoe Bar
Shop GSO7 Yagan Square
376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth
Upstairs Function Room

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