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Join the professional photography association that's for WA photographers.

Check out the steps to apply and make a start on accelerating your personal growth...



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If being a Pro Photography WA Member, Retiree Member or Student Member is not for you but you still want to be kept up-to-date with what's going on in the pro world photography, consider subscribing to our newsletters and any information emails.

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Find a Photographer

Looking for a photographer for your next photography shoot?

You can find a list of our Members who are skilled and experienced in a range of specialities such as Commercial, Events, Portraiture, Weddings and more.

Find a Photographer

Our Sponsors

Our sponsors are an important part of the pro photography industry. They support us in the running of our business or working for a business/organisation or to fulfil the needs of our clients and/or employers. Without them and their services we could not exist. When you next consider a supplier, check out one of our sponsors and support those who support you in WA.

Our Sponsors